Maintaining Health Partners

Fortnightly homeopathy sessions at Glengall Wharf Garden Community Yurt funded by Homeopathy UK. These are ongoing. Please text for appointments to 07515445075.
We continue to provide weekly chi gong classes to Southwark Pensioners' Centre and have again been asked to contribute our services on a wellbeing day this year.
Our gardening associate continues to facilitate gardening sessions in a psychiatric hospital setting.
Community Sauna Baths CIC have been able to use our yurt, first as a changing room and now as a therapy space, in the future, who knows?
NATIONAL LOTTERY AWARDS FOR ALL - We finished our popular HEALTHY TOUCH project last year. This year we are about to begin a new venture: COMMUNITY HEALTH MATTERS.
For this we will be working in partnership with the Copleston Centre, Glengall Wharf Gardens and Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers. We are again offering reflexology, including scar tissue and myofascial release and various forms of massage. Email maintaininghealthmatters@gmail.com for an appointment. In addition, later in the year, we will be giving several chi gong & breathing & meditation sessions. Details to follow.
Plus we have funds for Christmas lunches over the next 2 years to be held with, and at, the Copleston Centre.
Local people, including those who have experienced mental health difficulties, meet to socialise, support each other and co-organise affordable activities.
In 2023 we again served a gratefully received Christmas lunch in conjunction with the Copleston Centre for about 80 people including CopTog members. This year we intend to stretch our funding to incorporate at least one lunch on the South bank with Barserve.
CopTog members will be able to receive therapies and participate in group activities in the Copleston Centre and the yurt, together with other people in the community. They also often go to the twice weekly lunches offered by the Copleston Centre. Contact coplestontogether@live.co.uk to join.
Individual members have historically been supported to apply for projects to carry out activities they were interested in. These opportunities were paused during recent years. They included funding for cycling sessions at Herne Hill Velodrome, seaside visits and Yoga for Youth. As lockdowns eased, we were able to go on a couple of seaside trips and will be looking to restart such opportunities again in the future.
Previous Projects:
Once an integral part of our work, for the time being these are no more.
NATIONAL LOTTERY AWARDS FOR ALL - Our successful project THE HEALTHY TOUCH comprised the therapies and the lunches described above..
Future Plans
We are very thankful to have been successful in our joint bid with SDCAS (Southwark Day Centre for Asylum Seekers) and the Copleston Centre to the Big Lottery. This work will effectively re-introduce some of the therapeutic work we did previously with both organisations. However it is clear that In order to provide the level of support that our participants have told us they would like, or in fact, need, we must continue to fundraise.
This work will be done in memory of Gillian Reeve who set up so many vital community projects and activities during her time as coordinator of community and development work at the Copleston Centre.
Our history
From 1994, much of our work was based at the Copleston Centre in Peckham. Originally a range of therapies were offered in the Copleston Centre. In time funding was procured for community-based outreach work, often visiting people in their homes. Social gatherings and group outings were also a very important part of the work. The therapists established important links with the Community Mental Health Teams, The Maudsley Hospital and community-based organisations such as Southside Partnership and Thamesreach.
Since then numerous people have benefited from the services and MHP has built on the work developed by the original team.
Groups and organisations we have delivered therapies for in the past and those we are currently working with include:
Age UK Lewisham and Southwark
Black Elderly Group Southwark
The Copleston Centre
Creation Trust
Creative Therapies Project
Kindred Minds
Notting Hill Housing
Peckham Befrienders
South London and Maudsley (SLaM)
Southwark Mind
Southwark Pensioners Centre
Together UK/Southwark Wellbeing Hub
Our funders have included: National Lottery Community Fund; City Bridge Trust; Peckham Voluntary Sector Forum; Maudsley Charity; Homeopathy UK; Society of Homeopaths; South London and Maudsley (SLaM) London Borough of Southwark; Southwark Primary Care Trust; Wates Foundation.
We are now based at the Sojourner Truth Community Centre in Peckham.