Homeopathy clinics are held on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month.
For dates and details of our Big Lottery funded project to be done in partnership with the Copleston Centre and Glengall Wharf Garden, please scroll down.
For other work and activities please contact us at maintaininghealthpartners@gmail.com Thank you

Reflexology & Massage
Mondays 1-4pm
13th May - 15 July & 30th September – 25th November
Copleston Centre, Copleston Road SE15 4AN
Glengall Wharf Garden
22nd July – 23rd September
Glengall Wharf Garden, 64 Glengall Road SE15 6NF
(these dates exclude Bank Holidays)
For an appointment, please email:
We kindly request you donate as much as you can afford for
each session.

Maintaining Health Partners